Figurines, decorations and materials for hobbyists ... We thought of this shop by imagining the one we would have liked to find.
We only offer material that we use and know, some decorations are even manufactured by us and we strive to have a maximum of stock in order to guarantee you the fastest deadlines and the most attractive prices.
We are responsive and ready to answer your questions and special requests, do not hesitate to contact us.
Enjoy your visit and good games!

Nombreuses options disponibles : Montage, Vernis, Ajouts d'éléments etc...

Figurines, decorations and materials for hobbyists ... We thought of this shop by imagining the one we would have liked to find.
We only offer material that we use and know, some decorations are even manufactured by us and we strive to have a maximum of stock in order to guarantee you the fastest deadlines and the most attractive prices.
We are responsive and ready to answer your questions and special requests, do not hesitate to contact us.
Enjoy your visit and good games!
La chaîne de Duncan où vous trouverez des vidéos sur la peinture sur figurine, la fabrication de décors, la conception de table de jeux etc.
Duncan propose également énormément de podcast sur des sujets variés autour du monde du hobby.
Une énorme source d'information couplé au franc parlé décapant de Duncan !
Le copain Vendetta vous propose de le suivre dans sa passion des jeux de société modernes, jeux de figurines, peinture et modélisme. Il propose également des Unboxing, Tuto décors, parties filmés et bien plus...
Vous apprécierez ses tutoriels "Craft" avec la série "Donjons & Cavernes" pleine de bonnes idées et de conseils avisés !